This report has been compiled for the purposes of sharing Deliverable 7.2 with the European Commission. It provides background information about the six animated scenario videos being produced by the adelphi team, and a more detailed description of the two scenario videos focusing on Ghana as illustrative examples. The other four videos for Ethiopia, Mali, Kenya and Thailand can be accessed from beginning of 2024 under the link provided at the end of the document. All videos will be published together on the HABITABLE project website based on a joint-launch approach with other consortium partners. The videos are linked to short background papers for the different country scenarios. These flesh out the scenarios with additional data and literature, in order to provide more context and specify the entry points for policy, beyond what is possible within the scope of the videos. These papers will be shared as part of the report to expert audiences and policymakers (D7.3) to be submitted by the end of May 2024, and, along with the videos, inform the third round of WP7 workshops with experts and policymakers. The submission of this deliverable has been delayed to incorporate also the insights emerging from the empirical work undertaken by other work packages. They are based on two scenario development workshops in Berlin organised by adelphi in July 2023 – with the active participation of the Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali and Thailand country teams, as well as other country experts from within and beyond the consortium. These rich discussions enabled us to produce first drafts of the scenarios, and we then used the presentations and discussions at the meetings in Accra in November 2023 to further hone the messaging and incorporate preliminary findings from the HABITABLE data. Over the course of the week-long meeting in Accra, the two Ghana videos already provided impetus for discussions within the consortium, for the stakeholder dialogue with local and national policymakers, and for exchange with men and women who had migrated from northern Ghana to the coast at the community event organised in Tema (pilot event for D10.2). The two videos introduced here are slightly revised versions that have been adjusted based on the feedback we received from all three groups.
In 2024, the videos will be shared more widely on the HABITABLE YouTube channel, promoted via social media, including via the adelphi and HABITABLE X accounts, and used to stimulate discussion at a variety of HABITABLE events, including the upcoming community events (D10.2) and policy dialogues in the five primary research countries,
HABITABLE aims to significantly advance our understanding of the current interlinkages between climate impacts and migration and displacement patterns, in order to better anticipate their future evolutions.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 869395. The content reflects only the authors’ views, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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