The University of Ghana (, the premier university and the largest university in Ghana was founded as the University College of the Gold Coast by Ordinance on August 11, 1948 for the purpose of providing and promoting university education, learning and research. As the leading university in Ghana, the University aims to produce the next generation of thought leaders to drive national development.
The University has several research institutions and centres for learning and research, and the Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS) ( is one of such institutes. RIPS was established in 1972 by the United Nations in partnership with the Government of Ghana, as a regional centre of excellence for teaching and research on population and related disciplines, including health and environment and their implications for development. RIPS has participated in several research projects including the Africa Adaptation Research Centre of Excellence (AARC) project by IDRC, Canada; Population Training and Research Capacity for Development (POPTRCD); Climate Change Collective Learning and Observatory Network (CCLONG); Deltas, Vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation (DECCMA); Migration, Transformation and Sustainability Project (MISTY), and Cities and Climate Change. Currently the institute offers the following programs: M.A., MPhil and PhD in Population Studies.
The Regional Institute for Population Studies will be the lead institution in HABITABLE research activities in Ghana.
HABITABLE aims to significantly advance our understanding of the current interlinkages between climate impacts and migration and displacement patterns, in order to better anticipate their future evolutions.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 869395. The content reflects only the authors’ views, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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